Recents in Beach

Important Boundary Lines around the World

International borders

·         Line of Control- It divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan

·         Durand Line- Boundaries of Pakistan and Afghanistan

·         Hindenburg Line- Germany and Poland

·         Marginal Line- Russia and Finland Border

·         Medicine Line- Canada and the United States (49 Parallel North)

·         McMahon Line- India and China

·         Order- Neisse Line- Poland and Germany

·         Siegfried Line- Germany and France

·         Radcliffe Line- India and Pakistan

·         Mannerheim Line- Russia and Finland

·         Maginot Line- France and Germany

·         Curzon Line- Poland and Russia

·         Mason–Dixon line: Maryland and Pennsylvania/Delaware in Colonial America

·         Blue Line- Israel and Lebanon

·         Purple Line- Israel and Syria

·         Green Line- Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria (Israel neighbors)

·         Line of Actual control- India and China on the Northern Border

·         Military Demarcation Line or Armistice Line- North Korea and South Korea

·         16th parallel North- Angola and Namibia

·         17th Parallel- North Vietnam and South Vietnam

·         20 Parallel North- Libya and Sudan

·         22 Parallel North- Egypt and Sudan

·         24th Parallel- India and Pakistan

·         25 Parallel North- Mauritania and Mali

·         26 Parallel North- Western Sahara and Mauritania

·         31 Parallel North- Iraq a006Ed Iran

·         33 Parallel North- North Africa and parts of the Middle East and China

·         35 Parallel North- US it serves as a border b/w Tennessee/ Mississippi, Tennessee/ Alabama, Tennessee/ Georgia, North Carolina/ Georgia

·         36 Parallel North- Southernmost Boundary of the state of Missouri with the state of Arkansas

·         37 Parallel North- Southern boundary of the historic and extralegal Territory of Jefferson

·         38 Parallel North- North Korea and South Korea

·         40 Parallel North- US it serves as a border b/w Nebraska and Kansas

·         41 Parallel North- US it forms the border b/w Wyoming / Utah border, Wyoming/ Colorado, Nebraska and Colorado

·         42 Parallel North- Us it serves as a border of New York and Pennsylvania

·         43 Parallel North- US it serves as a border b/w State Nebraska and State of South Dakota

·         45 Parallel North- US it forms boundary b/w Montana and Wyoming

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