- The Portugues voyager Vasco da Gama reached Calicut on may 17,1498.At that time calicut was ruled by a king named Zamorin.
- In 1502,he established a factory at cochin.
- The first Governor of Portuguese in india was Francisco almeida( 1505-1509).
- He was followed by Alfonso d' Albuquerque in 1509.He gave them a new hight .He defeated combined muslim fleet in Novel Battle of Diu.He adopted Blue water policy for Indian Ocean.He captured Goa in 1510 from the Bijapur ruler.He also Abolised Sati.
- Nino-da-Cunha transfer the portuguese capital in India from Cochin to Goa in 1530 and acquired Diu in 1535 and daman in 1559.
- Portuguese lost hooghly in 1632 during the time of Shahjahan.
- In 1661 the Portuguese king gave Bombay to charles-II of england as dowry ,for marrying his sister.
- Gradually ,their indian territories were taken away them by various sources.The Duch play an important role to oust them.
- Duch East India Company was formed in 1602.
- They set-up their 1st factory at masulipatnam in 1605.Their other factories were at pulicat,chinsura,patna,balasore,nagapattanam,cochin,surat,karikal,kasimbaz.
- their main centrein the starting was pulicat (till 1690),then nagapattanam.
- The english East India company was formed in 1599 and was given the royal charter by Queen Elizabeth-I in 1600 to trade in the east.
- Captain William Hawkins commanded the 'Hector',the first british trading ship to land at surat .He stayed in jahangir's court from 1608-1611.But he failed to get the king's permission to build a factory at surat.Captain middleton succeeded in this effort in 1611.
- An imperial Farman allowed the company to set up a permanent factory at surat in 1613.Sir Thomas Roe played an important role in this .
- In 1616,the company established its first factory in the south in Masulipatnam.In 1633 it established its first factory in east India in Hariharpur,Balasore(odisha).
- The company got the lease of Madras in 1639 and built fort dt. George in madras,which acted as its headquater on the coromandal coast.
- The Danish east India Company was formed in 1616.
- They established settlements at tranquebar (Tamil nadu) and Serampur(Bengal).
- Denmark ended its iinvolvement in India by selling the rights of the Nicobar Island to the British on oct 18,1868.
- French East India Company was set up in 1664 at the isntance of the minister, colbert in the reign of Louis XIV.
- They established their first factory at surat in 1668 and at masulipatnam in 1669.
- The foundation of Pondicherry was laid by Francis Martin in 1673 which afterwards,became its capital.
- Dupleix was the greatest of all French Governor Generals.
The British Conquest OF Bengal
- The mugal governor of bengal,Murshid Quli Khan, made Bengal virtually Independent of mugal Empire during his reign(1717-1727).
- His son-in-law Shuja-ud-din muhammad Khan succeeded him and ruled for 12 years.
- After his death ,sarfaraz khan (1739-40) and Alivardi khan(1740-56) ruled till 1756.
- They suppressed the east India Company,but never crushed it.On the other hand,the company constantly increased its power ,taking advantage of the crrupt officers.
- The result was the defeat of Siraj-ud-daulah (grandson and successor of Alivardi Khan)in Battle Of Plassey on june 23,1757.In this battle major part of the Nawab's army (led by Mir Jafar,Latif Khan and Rai Durlabh) didn't take part in the battle.The nwab was defeated and killed .
- The Battle OF Plassey had grat political significance as it laid the foundation of the British Empire In India It is regarded as the starting point of British Rule in INdia.
- After the Plassey the english Company virtually monopolized the trade and commerce of bengal.
- The alleged Black HOLE Tragedy happend during the reign of siraj-ud-daulah in 1756.
- Mir Jafar was made the next Nawab of bangal.The company was granted undisputed rights to free trade in bengal, biharand odisha.It received the Zamidari of 24 parganas.
- The next Nawab was Mir Qasim.He transferred his capital from Murshidabad to munger.He revolted against the british as he was angry that the British were misusing the dastaks (free duty passes).
- The Battle of Buxar was fought in 1764 between the British forces (led by Major Hector Munro) on one side, and the Triple alliance of deposed Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal,Nawab Shuja-ud-daula of Awadh and mugal emperor Shah alam ,on the other side.But triple alliance was defeated. The importance of this battle la in the fact that not only Nawab of Bengal but Emperor of india was also defeated.
- If the battle of Plassey had made the English a pawerfull factor in the politics of Bengal , the victory of Buxer made them a grate power of north India and Contenders for the supremacy of the whole country.
Robert Clive
Robert Clive is Regarded as the True founder of British Political Dominion In india.He correctly read the intricacies of the political situation of the time and stuck boldly and in the right direction.he outdid his french adversary Dupleix and acieved more permanent results.he was made the Governor of Bengal twice from 1757-60 and then from1765-67.He administered bengal under the dual government .With the resources of Bengal,the English conqered south India and routed their only political rival in India ,the French.Above all,he transformed a mere trading body that the east India Company was into a territorial power with the role of "king-maker"in bengal.On his return to England,he Comitted suicide in 1774