Recents in Beach

Governor generals and Viceroys of India


Warren Hastings(1772-1785)

1.First Governor General of Bengal.

2.Brought the Dual Govt. of Bengal to an end by the Regulating Act 1773.

3.Deprived zamindars  of their judicial powers and civil and Criminal Court was established.

 maintenance of Record was made compulsory.

 4.The first Anglo Maratha war(1775-82), which ended with the Treaty of salbai(1782), and the second Anglo Mysore war(1780 -84),Which ended with the Treaty OF Mangalore(1784),were fought during Hasting’s period.

5.He founded the Asiatic society Of Bengal with William Jones in 784.He wrote an introduction to the first English translation of The Gita by Charles wilkins.

6.Impeachment proceedings started against him when he returned on the charges of taking bribes after a trial of 7 years he was finally acquitted.

7.Sar John Macpherson  was made the acting governor general from 1785 to 1786.

LORD CORNWALLIS( 1786- 1793)

1. Did the permanent settlement of Bengal( also called zamindari system).

2. Police reforms each district was divided into 400 square miles and placed under a  police s superintendent assisted by the constable

3. The civil service was brought into existence

LORD WELLESLEY (1798- 1805)

1. Also called load mornington. adopted the policy of subsidiary Alliance- a system to keep the Indian rulers under control and to make the British the Paramount power. Nizam of Hyderabad was the first to accept it.

2. Second Anglo Maratha war( 1803-05)

3. He defeated the Mysore force under Tipu Sultan in the fourth Anglo Mysore war in 1799.


1. Concluded the Treaty of Amritsar  with Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1809.

2. Charter act of 1813 was passed

LORD HASTINGS(1813- 1823)

1. The Anglo Nepal war( 1814-16) II was fought during his reign with ended with the Treaty of Sugauli(1815)

2.ForTH and the last Anglo Maratha war in 1818.


1.Carried out the social reform like  PROHIBITION  of Sati in 1829 and  elimination of thugs  by captain saliman in 1830

2. Made English the medium of Higher Education in the country after the Recommendation of Lord macaulay

3. A charter act of 1833 was passed that made him the first Governor General of India. Before him the designation was governor general of Bengal. 


1.Abolished all restrictions on Vernacular Press( called liberator of the press).

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1.The most important event of this reign was the first Afghan war,Which proved to be a disaster for the English.


1.Open the first Indian railway in 1853 from Bombay to Thane.

2. Laid out the telegraph lineS in 1853 first from Kolkata to Agra.

3. Introduced the doctrine of lapse and capture Satara in 1848, Jaitpur and Sambalpur in 1849, Udaipur in 1852, jhansi in 1853 and Nagpur in 1854

4. Under doctrine of lapse, if a ruler of any princely state died without a direct heir to the  Throne, his territory was automatically annexed by the British.

5. Established the postal system on the modern line through the length and breadth of the country which made communication   easier.

6. Started the Public Work Department many bridges were constructed and the work on Grand Trunk Road was started.

7. Diu to Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s efforts, remarriage of Widows was legalised by the widow remarriage act 1856

  VICEROYS OF INDIA (1858-AUG14,1947)

LORD CANNINGS(1856-1862)

1.The first viceroy of British India.

2. Mutiny of 1857 took place in his time

3. In November 1858, the rule passed on to the Crown.

4. Withdrew doctrine of lapse.

5. The University of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were established in 1857.

6. Indian Council Act was passed in 1861

7. Archaeological Survey of India( ASI) founded in 1861 by Alexander Cunningham

8. High courts were established at Kolkata, Bombay and Madras in 1862.

LORD MAYO(1869-1872)

1. Started the process of financial decentralisation of India.

2. Established the Rajkot college at kathiawar and Mayo College at Ajmer for the Indian princess

3.For the first time in  Indian history census was held in 1872

LORD CURZON( 1899- 1905)

1. Passed the Indian University act (1904)  in which year official control over the universities was increased.

2.Partition Bengal (October 16,1905) into Two provinces

* Bengal

* East Bengal and Assam

3. Appointed a Police  Commission  under sir Andrew frazer to enquire  into the police administration of every province.

4. Passed the ancient monument Protection Act( 1904), to restore India's cultural heritage.

5. Passed the Indian coinage and paper currency act( 1899) and put India on gold standard.

6. Extended Railways to a great extent. authored a book “problem of the Far East”

7.Organised the second Grand Delhi Durbar in 1903 to announce the coronation of king edWards vii.

LORD MINTO(  1905- 1910)

1. There was a great political unrest in India. various acts were passed to curb the Revolutionary activities. extremists like Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh in May 1907 and Bal Gangadhar Tilak in July 1908 sent to mandalay in Burma.

2. The Indian Council act of 1909 for the Morley Minto reforms was passed.

LORD CHELMSFORD( 1916- 1921)

1. August declaration of 1917, wherebY control over the Indian government would be gradually transferred to the Indian people.

2. The Government of  India Act in 1919 was passed

3. Rowlatt Act of 1919, Jallianwala Bagh  MASSACRE(april 13,1919)

4.Non cooperation movement

5. An Indian SP Sinha was appointed the governor of Bihar and Orissa.

6. Women's university was founded at Poona in 1916

7. The Sadler Commission  was appointed in 1917 to envisage new education policy..

LORD IRWIN( 1926- 1930)

1. Simon Commission visited India in 1928

2. Congress passed the Indian resolution in 1929

3. Dandi March( 12 MAR, 1930)

4. Civil disobedience movement in 1930

5. First Round table conference held in England in 1930

6.  Gandhi Irwin pact( March 5, 1931) was signed and the civil disobedience movement was withdrawn.

LORD WILLINGDON( 1931- 1936)

1. second round table conference in London in 1931

2. On his return Gandhiji was again arrested and the civil disobedience movement was resumed in Jan 1932.

3. third round table conference in 1932

4. Poona pact was signed

5. Government of India Act 1935 was passed.

LORD MOUNTBATTEN(  March,1947- August 1947)

1. last viceroy of British India and the first Governor General of free India.

2. partition of India decided by the june 3 plan

3. Indian Independence Act passed by the British Parliament on July 4 1947 by which India became independent on August 15 1947.

4. retired in June 1948 and was succeeded by C Rajagopalachari (the first and the last Indian Governor General of free India)


Subsidiary Alliance

 The subsidiary Alliance system was used by Wellesley to bring Indian states within the orbit of British political power. The system played a very important  part in the expansion of the company’s dominions and many new territories were added  to the company's  possessions.

dear verb 4 stages in it. In the first stage the company undertook to land it's  Troops to a friendly Indian Prince to assist him in his wars  In the second stage the company's troops took the field on their own account With the assistance of an Indian ally  who made common cause with them. The next stage was reached when the Indian ally  was not to supply man but money .The company undertook to raise, trained and equipped an army under English offices and render available to the ally  a  fixed number of Troops on receiving a sum of money towards the cost of these  Troops. The final stage was the next logical step. the company undertook to defend the  territories  of an Indian ally  and for the purpose stationed  subsidiary force in the territory of the state. the Indian ally  was asked not to pay money but surrender territory for the revenue of which  the expenses of the subsidiary force were to be met.

 The Indian state was to conduct negotiations with other states through the company. The state was to accept a British resident at its headquarters.the alliance enabled the company to maintain a large standing Army e at the expense of Indian princes. it disarmed  the Indian state and threw British protectorate over them.

 The states that accepted this policy were the Nizam of Hyderabad, the ruler of Mysore, the Raja of Tanjore, the Nawab of Awadh, the Peshwa, Raja of Berar, the scindia , the Rajput of Jodhpur, Jaipur etc.


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